District Irrigation Scheme prepared under Pradhan Mantri Agriculture Irrigation Scheme.
Vegetation of Siwan
Agriculture is a main activity conducted in the district for general living. In addition to this, handloom items are produced on large-scale basis, which are also exported to different parts of the country. The major crops produced in Siwan district are Wheat, Maize, and Sugar Cane.Jinning factory, Sugar producing factories and Handloom industries are major industries of the region. as such there are no forests in the region.
Soil Texture of Siwan
The Siwan district falls in an area that holds an intermediary position between the Khader plains of West Bengal and Bhanger Plains of Uttar Pradesh. Bhanger or Banger is the old form of alluvium soil, which is inclusive of heavy soil that constitutes more proportion of clay.As compared to this, the Khader is the new form of alluvium soil that has resulted from river deposits. There are both kinds of soil found in Siwan but there is limited availability of the newly formed Khader soil.

Khader soil is limited to vicinity of Siwan rivers, and is consistently renewed by fresher deposits.Mainly, the Khader soil is present around the ‘Diara’ or boundary areas of rivers in Siwan. The local terms used for Khader soil is ‘Domat’ while that for Bhanger is ‘Balsundari’. The Bhanger soil is inclusive of ‘Kankars’, which are nodular segregations of lime carbonate.At many places, the soil is sulfurous and therefore the extraction of saltpeter is essential. For this reason, there are plenty of old industries conducting the extraction process present in the region of Siwan district.